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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Do you want to know landing in other planets? Ok.. Read more :DDD

This is a list of all spacecraft landings on other planets and bodies in the solar system, including soft landings and both intended and unintended hard impacts. The list includes orbiters that were intentionally crashed, but not orbiters which later crashed in an unplanned manner due to orbit decay.
For a list of all planetary missions, including orbiters and flybys, see List of Solar System probes.



[edit]Moon (not a planet)

MissionCountry/AgencyDate of landing/impactCoordinatesNotes
Luna 2Soviet Union USSR13 September 195929.1°N 0°WFirst lunar impact.
Ranger 4United States USA26 April 196215.5°S 229.3°EIntentional hard impact; hit lunar far side due to failure of navigation system.
Ranger 6United States USA2 February 19649.4°N 21.5°EIntentional hard impact.
Ranger 7United States USA31 July 196410.35°S 339.42°EIntentional hard impact.
Ranger 8United States USA20 February 19652.72°N 24.61°EIntentional hard impact.
Ranger 9United States USA24 March 196512.83°S 357.63°EIntentional hard impact.
Luna 5Soviet Union USSR12 May 196531°S 8°WUnsuccessful attempt at soft landing; crashed into Moon.
Luna 7Soviet Union USSR7 October 19659.8°N 47.8°WUnsuccessful attempt at soft landing; crashed into Moon.
Luna 8Soviet Union USSR6 December 19659.6°N 62°WUnsuccessful attempt at soft landing; crashed into Moon.
Luna 9Soviet Union USSR3 February 19667.13°N 64.37°WFirst successful soft landing; first pictures from the surface.
Surveyor 1United States USA2 June 1966Soft landing.
Surveyor 2United States USA23 September 1966Unsuccessful attempt at soft landing; crashed into Moon.
Lunar Orbiter 1United States USA29 October 1966Lunar orbiter, intentionally crashed at end of mission.
Luna 13Soviet Union USSR24 December 1966Soft landing.
Surveyor 3United States USA20 April 1967Soft landing. First lander visited by a later manned mission (Apollo 12).
Surveyor 4United States USA17 July 1967Contact lost on descent.
Surveyor 5United States USA11 September 1967Soft landing.
Surveyor 6United States USA10 November 1967Soft landing.
Surveyor 7United States USA10 January 1968Soft landing.
Apollo 11United States USA20 July 19690°40′26.69″N23°28′22.69″EFirst manned landing.
Luna 15Soviet Union USSR21 July 1969Possible attempted sample return; crashed into Moon.
Apollo 12United States USA18 November 19693.012389°S 23.421569°WManned mission.
Apollo 13United States USA14 April 1970S-IVB stage crashed for seismic research (rocket stages from a number of other Apollo missions that successfully landed were also crashed in this manner[1])
Luna 16Soviet Union USSR20 September 1970First successful robotic sample return.
Luna 17/Lunokhod 1Soviet Union USSR17 November 1970Robotic lunar rover.
Apollo 14United States USA5 February 19713°38′43.08″S17°28′16.90″WManned mission.
Apollo 15United States USA30 July 197126°7′55.99″N3°38′1.90″EManned mission; lunar rover.
Luna 18Soviet Union USSR11 September 1971Failed attempt at sample return; probable crash-landing.
Luna 20Soviet Union USSR21 February 1972Robotic sample return.
Apollo 16United States USA21 April 19728°58′22.84″S15°30′0.68″EManned mission; lunar rover.
Apollo 17United States USA7 December 197220°11′26.88″N30°46′18.05″EManned mission; lunar rover.
Luna 21/Lunokhod 2Soviet Union USSR8 January 1973Robotic lunar rover.
Luna 23Soviet Union USSR6 November 1974Failed attempt at sample return; damaged on landing.
Luna 24Soviet Union USSR18 August 1976Robotic sample return.
HitenJapan Japan10 April 1993Lunar orbiter, intentionally crashed at end of mission.
Lunar ProspectorUnited States USA31 July 199987.7°S 42.1°ELunar orbiter, intentionally crashed into polar crater at end of mission to test for liberation of water vapour (not detected).
SMART-1Not the esa logo.png ESA3 September 2006Lunar orbiter, intentionally crashed at end of mission.
Chandrayaan-1 Moon Impact ProbeIndia ISRO14 November 2008Impactor.
SELENE Rstar (Okina) Japan12 February 2009Lunar orbiter, casually crashed at end of mission.
Chang'e 1 China1 March 2009Lunar orbiter, intentionally crashed at end of mission.
Kaguya Japan10 June 2009Lunar orbiter, intentionally crashed at end of mission.
LCROSS (Centaur) USA9 October, 200984.675°S 311.275°E
84.729°S 310.64°E
Impactors. Water found.
LCROSS (Shepherding Spacecraft)


MissionCountry/AgencyDate of landing/impactCoordinatesNotes
Venera 3Soviet Union USSR1 March 1966Probably around -20° to 20° N, 60° to 80° EFirst impact on the surface of another planet. Contact lost before atmospheric entry.
Venera 4Soviet Union USSR18 October 1967Estimated near19°N 38°E.[2]Crushed by atmospheric pressure before impact.
Venera 5Soviet Union USSR16 May 19693°S 18°EAtmospheric probe; crushed by atmospheric pressure before impact.
Venera 6Soviet Union USSR17 May 19695°S 23°EAtmospheric probe; crushed by atmospheric pressure before impact.
Venera 7Soviet Union USSR15 December 19705°S 351°EFirst successful soft landing on another planet; transmitted from surface for 23 minutes.
Venera 8Soviet Union USSR22 July 1972Within 150 km radius of 10.70°S 335.25°ESoft landing; transmitted from surface for 50 minutes.
Venera 9 landerSoviet Union USSR22 October 1975Within a 150 km radius of 31.01°N 291.64°ESoft landing; transmitted from surface for 53 minutes. First pictures from surface.
Venera 10 landerSoviet Union USSR25 October 1975Within a 150 km radius of 15.42°N 291.51°E)Soft landing; transmitted from surface for 65 minutes.
Pioneer Venus MultiprobeUnited States USA9 December 1978(various)One of four atmospheric probes survived impact and continued to transmit for 67 minutes.
Venera 12 landerSoviet Union USSR21 December 19787°S 294°ESoft landing; transmitted from surface for 110 minutes.
Venera 11 landerSoviet Union USSR25 December 197814°S 299°ESoft landing; transmitted from surface for 95 minutes.
Venera 13 landerSoviet Union USSR1 March 19827.5°S 303°ESoft landing; transmitted from surface for 127 minutes.
Venera 14 landerSoviet Union USSR5 March 198213.25°S 310°ESoft landing; transmitted from surface for 57 minutes.
Vega 1 landerSoviet Union USSR11 June 19857.2°N 177.8°ESoft landing; instruments failed to return data.
Vega 2 landerSoviet Union USSR15 June 19857.14°S 177.67°ESoft landing; transmitted from surface for 57 minutes.


MissionCountry/AgencyDate of landing/impactCoordinatesNotes
Mars 2 landerSoviet Union USSR27 November 197145°S 30°WFirst man-made object on Mars. No contact after crash landing.
Mars 3 landerSoviet Union USSR2 December 197145°S 158°WFirst soft landing on Mars. First images from surface[3].Sent signal for only 20 seconds after landing.
Mars 6 landerSoviet Union USSR12 March 197423.90°S 19.42°WContact lost at landing.
Viking 1 landerUnited States USA20 July 197622.697°N 48.222°WSuccessful soft landing.
Viking 2 landerUnited States USA3 September 197648.269°N 225.990°WSuccessful soft landing.
Mars Pathfinder andSojourner roverUnited States USA4 July 199719.13°N 33.22°WFirst air bag landing on Mars and first Mars rover.
Mars Polar LanderUnited States USA3 December 1999Contact lost prior to landing.
Beagle 2United Kingdom UK/
Not the esa logo.png ESA
25 December 2003No contact after landing attempt. It is not known for certain that the craft reached the Martian surface (either intact or at all[4]).
MER-A 'Spirit'United States USA3 January 200414.5718°S 175.4785°EMars rover.
MER-B 'Opportunity'United States USA25 January 20041.95°S 354.47°EMars rover.
PhoenixUnited States USA25 May 200868.218830°N 234.250778°ELanded in the north polar region, and investigated whether conditions there are suitable for life to have evolved.

[edit]Other bodies

BodyMissionCountry/AgencyDate of landing/impactCoordinatesNotes
Eros (asteroid)NEAR ShoemakerUnited States USA12 February 2001Designed as an orbiter, but an improvised landing was carried out on completion of the main mission. Transmission from the surface continued for about 16 days.
JupiterGalileoUnited States USA7 December 1995
(atmospheric probe)
21 September 2003
(main craft)
Atmospheric probe, and, later, main craft were intentionally directed at Jupiter and disintegrated in Jovian atmosphere. [Not a "landing," but an intentional impact with a planetary body.]
Titan (moon of Saturn)Huygens probeNot the esa logo.png ESA/
United States USA/
Italy Italy(ASI)
14 January 200510.2936°S 163.1775°ESuccessful soft landing.
Comet 9P/Tempel 1Deep ImpactUnited States USA4 July 2005Impactor.
Itokawa (asteroid)HayabusaJapan Japan19 November 2005Accidentally stayed for 30 min.
25 November 2005Stayed for 1 sec.; planned sample return.
Note: Phobos landing was unsuccessfully attempted by Phobos 2 in 1989.

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